Life Empowerment Clinic!
The goal of the LIFE Empowerment Clinic (LEC) is to impact the health and wellness of the family and community through a holistic approach. At the core of this initiative is a free clinic that will provide members of the community with access to preventative health screenings and referral to primary care, women’s services, dental care, and vision services though partnership with various private and government organization in the metro Atlanta area.
The LIFE Empowerment Clinic (LEC) will also provide referral to social services including career development assistance, childcare, character education, and food donations. Clayton county fairs worse than the state of Georgia on average in many key indicators, according to a needs assessment performed by several reputable Atlanta area foundations, including Families First and the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
The clinic is open on Saturdays from 10am-12pm, except for the first Saturday of the month. We believe that by providing access to these services, we can help improve the health and well-being of the community.
Basic Health Screening Tests
Physical Exams
Referral's To Healthcare
Primary Care
Women’s Services
Eye Care
Referral's To Help Resources
Food Bank
Job Preparation
Healthy Cooking Classes